
Re O (A Child) 2015 EWCA Civ 1169

Ms. L. Harland is lead by Ms. J. Bazley QC instructed by Tanya Johnston.

Court of Appeal decision in public law proceedings involving consideration of declarations absolving a local authority from duties to consult and provide information to a parent, and making final orders at an IRH including the professional duty of advocates and lawyers to direct their attention to the obligation to achieve finality at the IRH wherever possible.


A Local Authority v S [2015] EWHC 3010 (Fam)

Mr Derek Hall and Ms Jackie McKie.

Local Authority application for a secure accommodation order under s.25 Children Act 1989 or alternatively, under the High Court’s inherent jurisdiction.

A (Children: Adoption: Long Term Foster Care), Re [2015] EWCA Civ 1021

Jackie McKie and Catherine Fagan lead by Janet Bazley QC.

Appeal against refusal to make care orders (and placement orders) based on care plans for adoption.

G (A Child) [2014] EWCA Civ 1173

Miss Jackie McKie is lead by Miss Pamela Scriven QC.

Contact in care order made authorising local authority not to facilitate contact between 10 year old child with parents and eldest sibling on the basis that to do so would prevent her having contact with younger siblings in adoptive placement – eldest sibling and parents appealing to Court of Appeal – appeal allowed and remitted for re-hearing.

DH v CL and Others [2014] EWHC 1836 (Fam)

Ms Elaine Averis.

Leave to remove – Kurdistan Region of Iraq – child in care of father following care proceedings and having supervised contact with mother – real prospect of child’s future being in foster care in the event of refusal of application and father moving without child – discussion of applicable principles to such applications.

Re B [2013] EWCA Civ 964

Miss Jackie Mckie is lead by Mrs Sally Bradley QC.
Appeal to decide if a child is a “looked after” child for the purposes of funding.

V (Children) [2008] EWCA Civ 635

Helen Robinson in Application for permission to appeal, with appeal to follow, by mother against committal order arising from breach of contact with the children’s paternal grandparents and the underlying contact order. Application and appeal allowed.

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